<ul class='productmiaoshu'><li>Flosses Dogs Teeth: This durable rope dog toy is wound with mintscented dental rope to upkeep healthy teeth. The dog dental toy is designed with 3 knots for better grip during play</li><li>Soft On Dogs Mouth: The tough rope toy for dogs is nonirritating on gums & is made of waxcoated nylon. Ideal for dog teething for puppies & large dogs. Measures 22" long</li><li>Pet Toys: Get ready for bonding & fun with your dogs & cats! Check out a variety of our pet toy products such as flyers, perches & mirrors for birds, prey wand toys for cats, plush toys, lightup interactive toys & more</li><li>Booda Pet Toys: Lively & Colorful, Booda Pet Products Provide Toys & Tools To Make Your Pet Feel At Home. Check Out Our Tug Ropes, Plush Squeakers, Flyers, & Even Our Kitty Litter Box Accessories</li><li>Booda Pet Toys: Lively & Colorful, Booda Pet Products Provide Toys & Tools To Make Your Pet Feel At Home. Check Out Our Tug Ropes, Plush Squeakers, Flyers, & Even Our Kitty Litter Box Accessories</li></ul>